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Package com.pixelmed.query

Encapsulation of DICOM queries into a higher level abstraction that supports creation of a tree model based on the results of a query, and a graphical user interface to that model.

See: Description

Package com.pixelmed.query Description

Encapsulation of DICOM queries into a higher level abstraction that supports creation of a tree model based on the results of a query, and a graphical user interface to that model.

An abstract class QueryInformationModel class is supplied that encapsulates the behavior of performing a query using the supplied information and returns the results as a QueryTreeModel.

A concrete sub-class StudyRootQueryInformationModel class can be used to perform such a query using the most commonly supported DICOM query model.

Any such query is based on a list of user-supplied DICOM attribute values used to define the matching and return keys. A FilterPanel class is supplied that provides a graphical user interface for editing the values of attributes in list.

A user interface for displaying and traversing the result of a query is supplied, QueryTreeBrowser, which may be sub-classed in an application to provide specific functionality when selecting a path in the tree, by overriding the various methods which return a TreeSelectionListener.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

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